Thursday, January 29, 2009

Santa, Rudolph and Grandbabies

I don't know how my Mom stood it. I mean she had to wait for me to develop pictures, then send via the postal service and then maybe a month or two down the line (if I was a dutiful daughter and developed the pictures quickly) she'd receive new pictures of her grandkids along with a letter explaining, as thoroughly as possible, who, what, where, when & why. You know that has been a good thing. When going through my Mom's things after she passed away I found many of the letters I had written. With those letters I've been able to better 'journal' when I'm scrapping for my children. The letters have also been a way to recall funny things the kids did or said.

Now we have the internet, email, cell phones and phone plans that are not nearly as expensive as they were in the 'old days'. My girls have come to understand why I like the online 'photo labs' --- I can see my grandsons quickly.

The girls have recently shared new photos of their sons and of course, I wanted to share these adorable little guys with you.

Gavin Liam, Grandson #1, is wearing the onesie that reads "I still live with my parents." Mason Nicholas, Grandson #2, is the little reindeer and also wearing the Eagles (because of his Dad!) onesie.



Audrey Pettit said...

My goodness! They are adorable! I can see why you are partial!

Emily said...

They are adorable. You are absolutely right though what did we do prior to modern technology? My mom lives several states away and I think she would suffer greatly with out the constant pictures of the babe.

Elizabeth said...

You know when my mom passed away and I went through her things I realized she saved every letter I had written her since we lived in Japan and England! I was amazed at the things we talked about and what I shared!

It's good to have those memories!

Leslie Ashe said...

OMGOSH what a CUTIE patootie!!!!!!!!!!! I love your photo's! :D What a true little blessing! :D

Have a great weekend!

Joli said...

Your grandsons are sure cuties! I hope you get to see them both very soon!

Anabelle O'Malley said...

They are so precious. Glad you can get regular updates about them. That's so neat that you have all of your old letters. What a gift.