Tuesday, November 2, 2010

29-Gifts Challenge *Day 1*

Today I had my gift all planned out. I want my gifts to be thought out yet not contrived. I was in the market yesterday after a long few days of gathering cattle in the mountains. I was tired and was only thinking of getting home, getting clean and getting ready for the few trick or treaters we would have. Let me add here that I had just finished 'listening' to 29 Gifts on my ITouch the day prior. The book left a great impact on me and I was ready to start, had a mental list in my head and knew at the same time, that I must be mindful of the process. Be in the here and now.

While at the market I saw my daughter's favorite holiday tea and knew that would be my first gift.

The week prior she had delivered her second child, a son ... her second. I thought a note, the tea and a few words from Grandma would be a lovely gift ... a surprise in the mail.

Today as she and I were talking, we were visiting about feeding her son. I had mentioned if she had tried a special tea and she had forgotten it was a tea that had worked her with her last son. When I got off the phone with her I went online and ordered her the special tea and sent her an online note.

If this is what the gift giving is about, I am blessed. I had started the morning with a prayer of guidance and to be open to the gift giving process.

1 comment:

Julie Ann Rachelle Interior Design said...

This sounds like a neat challenge although I am not sure what it is, I've never heard of it before!!! Good on you!!!! xoxo God bless.