Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Farmer = Happy Home

I'm doing the Friday Happy Dance! The sun is shining and although it is still cold and windy outside, inside I only see sunshine.

Do you know what makes a farmer happy? This time of year it is scratching that itch to get on a tractor and get busy with spring work. Today I heard my guy say "I am finally going to sit on that tractor for awhile" ... that is a good thing. As I've written before -- Happy Farmer = Happy Home. We're just about done calving, the weather is (crossing my fingers) warming up and all traces of snow are just about gone.

I've been drawing my garden out on paper, doodling here and there, wondering what is going to grow well this year, what new jams/jellies/pickles I can make. Love this time of year. Now if I could take off from work (that job that gives me a paycheck) from the first day of spring through the first day of winter I'd be one incredible domestic diva.

I rarely follow any sports unless it is rodeo, swimming and March Madness. The Gonzaga Bulldogs are playing UNC this evening. GO ZAGS!!!!

I haven't done the Friday Five in months so here it goes ....
My favorite things this week have been: (in no particular order)
1. Having free time to scrap.
2. Watching McDreamy & Grey get engaged (ok so I'm pathetic and live vicariously through a TV show).
3. Being able to walk outside without a winter coat.
4. The chicken dinner I made Sunday evening. Great new crockpot mexican chicken recipe .. yummy.
5. Reading a book "Taxi to Tashkent" that one of my classmates from High School wrote.

This weekend I hope to post some updated pictures of the cutest little grandsons evah!

Happy Friday and ............. GO ZAGS!

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